Looking for greater tenant loyalty?
Table Tennis is Your Answer
Company culture is a lot more than a buzzword. It’s making your tenants feel connected to one another and to your building’s environment. By 2020, more than 40 percent of the American workforce will be composed of millennials. This change in workforce not only brings fresh new ideas to your building, but also demands a change in how you approach tenants. Introducing the element of ping pong can improve your building’s culture and connect your tenants. These are four reasons why:
#1: Ping pong boosts morale
A great culture within your building’s environment not only boosts tenant morale, but also the bottom line in terms of retention and attracting potential new tenants. The majority of workers spend more time in the office than they do with their families, so it’s important to give them an atmosphere that keeps them happy. Remember that companies with happier employees have a higher retention rate, so it’s safe to say the same applies to how tenants view your particular property as opposed to other space options on the market.
A great first step toward achieving the tenant loyalty you crave? Initiatives like the UnPlugNPlay program from Killerspin can certainly help, with its focus on creating an exciting break area that encourages employees to step away from their work and play a game or two of ping pong with a coworker. Playing games increases the “feel good” chemicals in our brains – dopamine and endorphins. Plus, it’s a great way for employees to make friends with one another.
#2: Ping pong is a subtle, yet powerful motivator
The fact is, traditional rewards such as bonuses and pay raises do very little to change an employee’s behavior. The 2014 Millennial Impact Report states that 20% of millennials stay with employers because they believe in the company’s mission and purpose. With that in mind, you can position yourself as a true partner for each of your tenants by investing back into spaces that encourage interactivity, where they feel connected to your building, no matter what company they belong to. Hosting a company table tennis tournament is an excellent way for tenants across different companies to get to know one another and exchange ideas.
#3: Ping pong improves productivity
The Intelligence Group performed a study and found that 88 percent of millennials prefer a collaborative workplace over a competitive one. Allowing your tenants to unplug from their work and refresh their minds with some friendly competition helps boost their productivity. A Groupon employee claims that #UnPlugNPlay allows him to accomplish more in 8 to 10 hours than if he sat at his desk for 12 hours straight. Not only does a little exercise help refocus the mind, but it also allows for a unique collaborative environment. Sharing ideas over a table tennis match is a lot different than a brainstorming session in a board room. For more creative ways to increase productivity and develop an innovative workplace culture, check out our free eBook.
#4: Ping pong puts you a step ahead of your competition
Want to stand out from the crowd? Why not give your building a welcoming place to gather, relax and create? That’s the magic a dedicated ping pong space will bring. Happy tenants tend to spread the word, which leads to more interest in your building. When a prospective tenant steps into your ping pong space, they will be impressed. When they feel the energy and enthusiasm you have created, they will want to be a part of it.
Ready to learn more
Want to learn more about how the UnPlugNPlay program from Killerspin will improve the quality and appeal of your building? Call us today. We’ll introduce you to a program that’s easy to implement and maintain, and that will be highly rewarding from Day One. UnPlugNPlay, includes:
- A complete re-design of your designated space
- All the equipment you’ll need, including a high-quality Killerspin table with your logo, customized paddles and balls
- Tenant and employee engagement days, featuring professional table tennis players
Create spaces that will increase tenant loyalty!
Take the next step that gets tenants to view your workspace from a whole new perspective.
Download your FREE #UnPlugNPlay Kit and contact Killerspin for a consultation at 312-342-7922 or email us at customerservice@killerspin.com.